School Projects

Aligned to state and national curriculum and frameworks our resources and learning programs are inclusive, easy to follow and support teachers to use high impact teaching practices and diversified teaching strategies to drive student outcomes.
Other school-based resources written by the EvolveCDT team include:
Drug Talk – Body. Mind. Future
Challenges and Choices – Assessment Tasks – Resilience and wellbeing, Road safety, Alcohol and other drugs – PP-10
Smart Steps – Road safety program for children aged 0-8 years
Challenges and Choices Road Safety Education – Years 7-9 – Teacher resource and In Gear Student Workbook
Challenges and Choices Drug Education – Years 7-9 – Teacher resource and Be Ready Student Workbook
Wraparound – Early intervention program
Talking Drugs – CaLD flipchart presentation
Alcohol and other drugs education fact sheets
Road Map: A road safety directory for schools and communities
Additional presentations and workshops in resilience and wellbeing education, alcohol and other drugs education and road safety education

Ben and Bella Burnsafe Superheroes Burn Prevention Education Program
The Ben and Bella Burnsafe Superheroes burn prevention education program provides educators in the early years with resources that will enable them to include key burn prevention and burn first aid messages in their teaching programs.

Challenges and Choices - Learn at home
Produced for the Road Safety and Drug Education Branch of the WA Department of Education, EvolveCDT created a series of Learn at Home learning resources for students in Pre-primary to Year 9 based on the SDERA Project's Challenges and Choices resources as a part of the COVID-19 response.