Standing Out: Managing on the Frontline
What we did:
E-learning resource
Australian Government – Department of Education, Science and Technology
Project Summary
The interactive CD resource that was developed under this project supported the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of workplace learners studying the unit BSBFLM403B Implement effective workplace relationships.
This resource aimed to support the language and literacy skills of personnel involved in:
collecting, analysing and communicating information
using information to solve problems
communicating effectively to build trust and confidence
establishing and maintaining effective working relationships and networks.
The resource was designed to be used in a number of ways including:
used by a facilitator to assist in the learning process
used by a learner as a distance learning tool or as an accompaniment to face-to-face learning experiences
used by an assessor for sample assessment tools used by a mentor to assist in the learning process.
The target audience for this resource was the mining industry and those that had recently moved into a supervisory position.